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September 16, 2013
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday September 16, 2013
Town Hall Annex
October 19, 2013

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins & a visitor, Mary Cringen from TPS

The meeting was convened at 7:05 pm

Race Across America
Mary Cringen came to tell us about a veteran’s group caravan that travels across the country decorating veterans’ graves. They will come through Princeton this year about December 10th. She wanted the OK from us to have them lay an evergreen wreath on each veteran’s grave in Princeton. The wreaths would be removed in a month. We agreed that this was OK. They also will visit Thomas Prince School, move on to Westfield next and get to Arlington several days later.

Superintendent Job Search
LJT discussed the proposed changes in the Superintendent’s job (suggested by Bruce) with the Town Administrator, John Lebeaux. He agreed the changes seemed reasonable and will take these proposed changes to the Board of Selectmen at their September 23 meeting. It is hoped the revised pay scale would attract a suitable candidate for the Superintendent job. Bruce agreed to fill in until a replacement is on board.
In the meantime we need a back up for Bruce to handle funerals if Bruce is unavailable.

Bruce suggested we discourage afternoon burials as it is tough to wrap up the closure part of the job before dark.
Weekend burials – Lynne has some information to pull together on charges others make for weekend and holiday burials. We will discuss these at our next meeting.

Operations – Bruce Reported
There were no lot sales
There was a buyback of 1 lot which was in turn sold to the Allens.

Improvement Projects
Bruce has been marking the corners of the lots in the ’86 expansion portion of Woodlawn Cemetery. In marking the available lots, he discovered about 20 lots are miss-mapped. These will need to be renumbered in our records.
Bruce met with the local expert about the mapping program that the assessors are using. All the mapping information needs to be tied into Lynne’s information.

Bruce will work on the road at Woodlawn Cemetery next Spring – using funds from the Trust Fund.

We have approximately $13500 left in the Cemetery Lot account.
Exact current numbers are hard to determine as the books tend to lag behind. Lynne will check out our situation.

Bruce will be out of town on vacation from October 21 to 28.

Next regular monthly meeting of the Cemetery Commission will be Monday October 21.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
